Android OS is just like Linux OS.Many Linux commands can be used on Android by using Terminal Application.
Download link: Terminal.apk
Now,i would like to share some of the useful commmands of Terminal.They are as following:
$ = Sign that user has not entered into superuser or root mode
# = sign has permission as superuser or root
The two signs above shall not be in writing, it is just the shell $PS1 value.
su = command to get permission as superuser access
reboot = to reboot / restart on android
reboot download = to enter download mode, not all of the android can use this command.
reboot recovery = to go into recovery / CWM
shutdown = to turn off the android, the same as power off / sometimes this command only works for mengclose terminal emulator
ODEX ODEX = to do in the rom deodex by using a special application
cd = to change directory
cp = to copy
df = to display available space or also called disk free
busybox = to see busybox already installed and all of busybox
tar = to make a variety of file formats, such as compress and decompress, to use just select menu which has been in the show after we typed tar and enter.
stop = to stop the android runtime`
ls = to display a directory list, an example we will look at the rectory on the app folder existing in the android system, then we have to type the following command ls / system / app and then press enter.
rmdir = remove directory
exit = To exit the superuser mode,kill jobs ,exit terminal application emulator.
pwd = to make the name of the current direcrtory
mkdir = to create a new folder
echo = prints text to stdout
top = to see which applications are running
rm = delete or remove, use the order of the files to be deleted.
mv = move or move, use the order of the file to be on the move
ping = to ping google
chmod = to change permissions / change mode
chown = change owner on file
pm = to see the package manager
pm install = Command to install an application
bmgr = backup manager
date = to make the date and time
cmp = to compare two files byte by byte
monkey = to test the application to be sent by a random program
strace = to make a call to the system programs`
umount uptime = to see how long the android device has been running since last boot
logcat log = see android runtime log
linker in = to create a link to the file system
dalvikvm = Dalvik virtual machine to run android apps
Thanks to Kang Aswan for some of the commands,facebook groups,my friends and my family.